Reasons Why You May Be Hitting a Weight Loss Wall -

Reasons Why You May Be Hitting a Weight Loss Wall

Weight loss is hard, especially as you get older. You have to be more disciplined and work harder to lose the same amount of weight it may have taken a few days to lose when you were younger. I know that’s true for me and so many others my age. Especially around my problem areas. Sometimes all the work you put in may seem pointless but giving in to that thought is a sure way to halt progress altogether.

Did you know that 62 percent of American adults are either overweight or obese? At any given time, up to 50 percent of women are on a diet of some sort. If you are carrying extra weight, trying to lose weight is a positive step forward, but it’s important to do this in the right way. If you’re prone to plateauing, it can make you lose heart and set you back. Dieting isn’t easy, but there are many ways you can avoid hitting a weight loss wall. Here, I have found a guide that should be helpful for you and me to reach our weight loss goals.

Why Your Weight Loss Hits a Plateau

– Not Dieting in the Right Way –

First, you have to be sure that you’re following the right diet. When you hear the word ‘diet’, all kinds of terribly strict regimens or so-called miracle products may come to mind. However, the best way to lose weight and improve your health at the same time is to combine healthy eating and physical activity. I’m pretty sure you’ve heard that before, right? It’s because it’s true!

If you rely on fad diets or magical solutions that claim to help you drop a dress size in a day, there’s a good chance that you’ll get results. The problem is that they won’t last. There’s also a risk that that type of diet may negatively affect your health, and of course, there’s a financial risk. In the most recent survey of weight-loss related consumer spending, it was found that Americans spend over $46 billion on diet products per year.

Reasons Why You May Be Hitting a Weight Loss Wall -

The best thing to do when you’re on a weight loss mission is to take a look at your diet. Keep a food diary for a week and check out your average daily calorie consumption, how much sugar and fat you’re consuming, and what kinds of foods are forming your diet staples. Once you have this information, you can adapt your diet to make it healthier.

Keep in mind that in the most basic terms, weight loss comes down to balancing a simple equation that involves taking in and using calories. If you can burn more than you consume, you’ll lose weight. In many cases, making simple changes to how much and what you eat will bring positive results on the scale.

Calorie counting is made much simpler and quicker these days with apps you can download on your phone or tablet. You can also check that you’re getting all the vitamins and minerals you need. Ideally, you should aim for a daily calorie intake of 1,500 to 2,000 for women and 2,000 to 2,500 for men. This is a guideline, and you should adjust the number to suit your lifestyle and weight loss goals.

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If you have a desk job, for example, you won’t need as many calories as somebody who works as a laborer, a gardener, or a park ranger. For more information on calorie consumption, check out this handy guide

– You’re Not Moving Enough –

The foods you eat play a vital role in helping you to lose weight, but the results will be even better if you embrace exercise. When you’re moving, your body is using the calories you take in through your diet. It can be very daunting to even think about going to a gym or joining a yoga or boxing class if you’ve never really exercised before, but be brave, and give new activities a try. You don’t have to train every day or join the gym for the next 12 months. Walk to work, dust your bike down or start swimming a couple of times a week. Stop using the elevator or the escalator and spend less time in front of the TV in your spare time. Making an effort to be more active will work wonders.

You don’t have to train every day or join the gym for the next 12 months. Walk to work or around the block, dust your bike off and ride it, or start swimming a couple of times a week. Stop using the elevator or the escalator and spend less time in front of the TV in your spare time. Making an effort to be more active will work wonders.

Reasons Why You May Be Hitting a Weight Loss Wall -

If you don’t know the first thing about exercise and you don’t know where to begin, it may be a good idea to set yourself a simple challenge, like hitting a daily steps target. Using your phone or a device for your wrist, take a look at how many steps you take on an average day and then increase this to encourage you to walk more. You can keep moving the target to gradually improve your fitness levels.

Another option is to join a beginner’s class if you are interested in trying a specific activity such as spinning, Zumba or kickboxing. You could also work with a personal trainer who will draw up a personalized plan based on your fitness levels and your end goals.

Reasons Why You May Be Hitting a Weight Loss Wall -

– There May Be Underlying Health Issues –

Sometimes, if you’re eating well and you’re getting your exercise in regularly and you’re still not noticing a change in your weight or how your clothes feel, there may be underlying health issues. If it has been a few weeks and you’ve not noticed any difference despite putting in the hard work, go see your doctor.

It’s a good idea to arrange a consultation and physical exam to see if there could be any underlying conditions that are preventing you from losing weight. Some health issues may make you prone to gaining weight making it more difficult to shed extra pounds. Finding effective treatments could eliminate symptoms and get you back on the right track.

Reasons Why You May Be Hitting a Weight Loss Wall -

If you do want to book an exam and want to see what kinds of things a doctor will look for, you can learn more at Your doctor will likely look for visible signs of potential problems and ask you questions about your lifestyle and any symptoms you have experienced. You may also be advised to have some blood tests. Examples of issues that can influence weight loss include polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), hypothyroidism, and severe stress.

You should also talk to your doctor to see if you may have a vitamin or nutrient deficiency. Your doctor can test for these things by taking a little blood. If you do find that you have a deficiency, you can increase your intake of foods that contain that nutrient or take supplements such as a dim supplement if you feel you are not getting enough of it in your daily diet. Your doctor should be able to recommend the right actions to take to treat your deficiency.

Moreover, supplement manufacturers such as SS Nutra have a catalog of supplements you can browse to find what you need, so whether you are looking for Private Label Weight Loss Capsules or any other health-boosting products, there are a lot of different options to compare. What’s most important about supplements is to follow the dosage instructions properly. Some supplements need to be taken with food in order to be digested properly.

Reasons Why You May Be Hitting a Weight Loss Wall -

– Lack of Motivation & Willpower –

When you’re following a healthy eating and exercise program, it’s on you to stick with it and make every effort to hit your targets. It can be really difficult to maintain high levels of motivation, but try and remember the reasons you wanted to make changes in the first place. If it’s gray and miserable outside and the last thing you want to do is go for a run, or you’re faced with a counter full of delicious looking cakes, you may feel yourself wavering, but try and stay strong.

You don’t have to give up everything you love and swear to never eat a chocolate bar or an ice cream again, just don’t let a single treat day become a week or a month of eating whatever you want. I have made this mistake before and it set me back significantly in my weight loss goals. If it helps, keep a list of reasons why you want to shape up and lose weight with you. When you’re feeling low, or you need an extra boost, get the list out and read it.

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If you find it hard to stick to a healthy eating plan, make life easier by getting rid of junk food from your kitchen and avoid certain aisles in the supermarket. They say it’s healthier to shop the perimeter of the supermarket anyway.

If you can’t resist biscuits or chips, try shopping online instead and then you won’t be tempted. Write a list of meals you’ve planned for the coming week and buy those foods only. Give yourself a cheat day every week or two weeks, but make sure you get back to the plan the next day.

Sometimes finding the motivation to workout is the hardest part. If this is a struggle for you, it’s hugely beneficial to try and find an activity that is fun and enjoyable. If you’re having a laugh, you’re not going to notice that you’re working out. Lifting weights and running miles on a treadmill isn’t for everyone, so try different activities, take some friends along and see what works for you. For me, it’s Zumba because I love to dance and since I’m having fun, it doesn’t feel like a daunting workout.

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It’s good to vary your workouts too to make life a bit more interesting. If you’re conscious about your weight, and you don’t want to be surrounded by others when you’re working out, you could also exercise at home. Invest in some second-hand gym equipment, put a DVD on, or follow a guided online training session.

– You’re Obsessed With The Scale –

We tend to focus all our attention on getting the numbers to go down when we’re trying to slim down, but sometimes, becoming obsessed with the scale can be counterproductive. You may find that you lose a significant amount of weight in the first couple of weeks, but as time goes on, your progress seems to trail off. This may be a sign that you need to ramp up your workouts, but it could also indicate that your body is converting fat tissue to muscle, which is denser.

If you are one who just has to keep track of your weight, get on the scale once or twice a month and take measurements instead. You may find that you’ve gained a couple of pounds, but you’ve lost inches on your chest, waist, and thighs. You should also notice a difference in the way your clothes feel. Your weight can also be affected and influenced by hormonal changes, so don’t lose heart if you have a week where the numbers are slightly higher than you hoped.

Reasons Why You May Be Hitting a Weight Loss Wall -

Most people hit a plateau at some point, but if you can’t seem to get over weight loss hurdles, it may be time to alter your approach slightly. Hopefully, this guide has given you some useful information, and you can start working towards your target with a fresh outlook. 

– Marsha 💋

4 thoughts on “Reasons Why You May Be Hitting a Weight Loss Wall

  1. I’m failing at so many of these things: not keeping a food diary or counting calories. I definitely need to move more. I feel challenged to refocus after reading this – keep the motivation longer than the initial 2 weeks.

  2. now I getting this why i wasn’t able to loss weight although i was hitting gym but still i wasn’t loosing weight but now i have some ideas in my mind thanks a ton for this article you have clear many things in my mind .

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