Go Sober For October: The Health Benefits of Not Drinking - SassyCritic.com

Go Sober For October: The Health Benefits of Not Drinking

Let’s take a moment to discuss an issue that can be pretty serious but not always taken seriously. That is alcohol. I’m not talking the occasional glass of wine or social drink here and there. I’m talking staying sober because, for some people, drinking is a coping mechanism that can turn into a bad habit that’s hard to overcome.

Go Sober for October

There are hundreds of millions of alcohol drinkers in the US, and the figure rises every year. Now, there is nothing wrong with a cold brew or a glass of wine after a hard day at work and drinking socially with friends. In fact, some people find it relaxing and stress relieving and certain types of wine have health benefits when consumed in moderation. Plus, everyone needs a way to keep the cortisol levels down. However, there can be too much of a good thing and consuming alcohol is a prime example. So, it’s no wonder “Go Sober for October” is getting more and more popular. If you’re thinking about taking up the cause, here are four reasons why GSFO is an excellent idea.

Go Sober For October: The Health Benefits of Not Drinking - SassyCritic.com

Look Better

Not only is alcohol a drug, but it’s also a diuretic. For those of you who don’t know, this means it makes you urinate more. So, by having a drink on a regular basis, it’s likely to make you tinkle. Apart from being annoying, it has an impact on your appearance because your skin needs moisture. Without it, the biggest organ in the body will become dull and lifeless. The same goes for the eyes. By cutting down on alcohol, both will shine and pop and stand out. Let’s face it, no one wants to look bad!

Go Sober For October: The Health Benefits of Not Drinking - SassyCritic.com

Get More Sleep

Another short-term benefit is more sleep. The majority of people reading this might think that a drink before bed makes perfect sense. Why? It’s because it helps you to doze off quicker. However, what many people don’t know is that it doesn’t help the body sustain a deep sleep for throughout the whole night. Instead, you decrease the amount of Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep you get, which affects your quality of sleep. This is the stage of sleep where you dream. Just think about how you feel the day after. Regardless of what time you went to bed, you will feel sluggish and tired. Without the alcohol in your system, this isn’t the case.

Go Sober For October: The Health Benefits of Not Drinking - SassyCritic.com

No Dependency

You don’t need to search alcoholrehab.me for a rehab center to be dependent on alcohol. Yes, this is the major sign that a person has a problem, but it isn’t the only one. Anyone who drinks alcohol on a daily or weekly basis to get through the week is reliant. It doesn’t matter if it is only a handful of units over the recommended amount; it’s an issue. By cutting it out for a whole month, you can prove that you don’t need alcohol. Once you understand this, it’s easier to say no on a regular basis and stay sober more often.

Go Sober For October: The Health Benefits of Not Drinking - SassyCritic.com

Fight Disease

Like cigarettes, there is a link between alcohol and fatal diseases. Everyone knows about liver and kidney failure, but there are lots more. From a heart attack due to weak muscles to a stroke, there is a lot to worry about for a drinker. Alcohol even increases the chances of cancers such as mouth, throat, and breast. The reason is the impact it has on the body. Because it is a poison, cancer.gov points out that it can attack the major organs and transform cells. Stopping drinking alcohol removes the poison from the body and therefore lowers the risk of disease.


If you haven’t thought about it already, Going Sober for October is well worth considering!

– Marsha 💋

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